I am blessed to have found my Mr. 1 N A Million.


HAVE TO GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE!! Thanks to BSC, I am blessed to have found my Mr. 1 N A Million.
Dr. Paul C. is a Godly, humble, gentle, and loving man, and very good looking I might add, who has captivated my heart and connected with my spirit. We both were about to throw in the towel, when we noticed each other. Clicked yes and the rest is history. His trip here to Tampa confirmed everything we had hoped and prayed for. For now we are both thankful to God for what He has already done, what He is doing, and for all He is about to do in our lives as we become closer.
I find Paul to be a man of his word and trustworthy.
I can honor this man, respect him, accept his authority, live, love and learn from him. I can think of nothing I would enjoy more as we become closer than thinking of ways to please and give him joy. I have been blessed through your services and will not be renewing my membership.


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