I met and found my soulmate.

kissingprincess & cccdj39

I want to thank you for creating this site. Because of this site I met and found my soulmate. I've been on this site for 1 year give or take. One day I came across this profile for cccdj39. Since I wasn't a member to get this attention I send him smiles and cards. Finally he IM'd me and we had a good conversation. He fell in love with my words not my pic. So we talked on the phone and he telling me he fell in love with me in a few days. As I kept talking to him I felt it to. So we just met in person for the first time. When I met him I fell right in love with him. So to pass the time we walked around holding hands, kissing up a storm, and really getting to know each other. Then he showed me a romantic time later and told me he loved me over and over. I am hoping in the near future that we get married and have a girl and boy running around in the next 6 years. So thanks you Tasha for letting us meet on this wonderful site.

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