Spiritual Connection

msmala2 & thefrankone

I was not looking for a serious commitment when I signed up with BSC in Oct 2006. I wanted to meet new friends, travel and see new places. It was my intention to concentrate on myself mentally, spiritually and physically as I had been doing for the past 1½ years. I met a lot of nice guys during that month, but when thefrankone made contact with me at the end of my first month, I definitely felt a spiritual connection that I hadn’t felt with anyone else. God blessed me with a man beyond my dreams. We are engaged and will be married this year.

His story:

I did not sign on to BSC to engage in casual relationships. I had prayed for that special woman who was destined to be my wife. I met some very special women while on the site, however when I met msmala2, there was an immediate spiritual connection between us. We allowed our relationship to evolve spiritually and we know that we are meant for one another. I rediscovered the joy of being in love and having someone who loves me equally.

We both believe that God led us to BSC because BSC was the avenue that He chose to bring us together. THANK YOU BSC!!!

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