Who'da Think...


Who'd Think....
I'd grow interested in the man of my dreams, whom I met on here and he was the 3rd person that I had seen on here and who's personality I read through and actually enjoyed and all of this was on, Day one?
Who'd Thunk....
He would respond to just an email that said one major and yet very simple thing....Thank You!!!
Who'd Thunk....
He'd have an incredible, very well mannered, young lady who possesses an incredible attitude, who is very beautiful, very charming, full of a personality and the same characteristic's of her Father, his daughter!
Who'd Thunk.......
that she would become such a very special and large part of my heart??? The daughter I'd never had and would have hoped for if I should have ever been so blessed!
Who'd Thunk....
He could sweep me off of my feet and give me something that is hard to entrust to stranger's therefore he was taking a very tremendous risk....his heart and a large piece of his life! He shared with me and entrusted me with who he is ...I see it and appreciate it! And I love him all the more for it!!
Who'd Thunk.....
I'd fall in love with the greatest man that God has ever introduced into my life. I can only pray that we become something more incredible than life could ever have imagined!!!
I Love him in ways he may never know! I appreciate God for honoring me with his presence! I appreciate that he trusted me enough to know his daughter, whom I adore! I Thank him for entrusting me in his life & I pray to not ever sabotage what WE have!!!!

Thank You So Much Black Singles!!!

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