She is certainly everything that I have prayed for.


I wasn't really to hyped on dating sites. I've been burned before, so to say the least, I was a bit salty. Well, after I joined, I started surfing the thousands and yes, I went through thousands of photo's trying to see who may catch my attention. I was about to turn off the site and thats when I saw her! Of course what I saw took me by surprise, because honestly I didn't see anyone that really made me want to stop and take a second look, but she did. There was a smile sent and a smile came back in response. And thats where it all started. We have chatted endlessly every single night and all throughout the day. We have set plans for many exciting things together in building this awesome friendship/relationship.
She is certainly everything that I have prayed for and I'm glad now that I did override my first thought about joining Black Singles!!
Thank you BlackSingles, for being the vehicle that God used in bringing us together. Everything is awesome, just awesome!!! I'm a web promotion specialist and I'll have to do a web promotion just for you. All I can say is, don't give up on your desires in a mate. God works in ways not like our own. Be open to change. Don't settle just because you feel that it has been sooo long and you are sooo lonely. That's when you get stuck with someone you have no business being with. Listen to your heart and the voice of the Lord, if you hear the slightest sound in your spirit that says, "he/she is not what I have for you, RUN!!!!" Be blessed because I am!

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