We are so in love and can't see one being without the other.

MelodyMaker67 & Oldschool65

My husband and I are very private people, but I had to let you know that we met on our site in 2007 and were married 3 months later. A precious little baby girl followed and neither of us have looked back. My husband (oldschool65)approached me and a conversation ensued. I was not looking for this kind of love connection. It was just going to be nice to go out to dinner and a movie with someone every now and then. But this gentleman approached me with such sweetness and humility and HIS VOICE OVER THE PHONE... (I'm fanning now) Well, he was and still is a perfect gentleman who wants nothing more than to be loved by a good woman and to give her her heart's desire (not things, but a sincere commitment). He's been single for 22 years. I had just gotten a divorce. So, we have been on the road working on making our two roads meet. :0) Every relationship takes two hard-working people to achieve success. We've been married for over a year now, we are so in love and can't see one being without the other. Our daughter, who is one of the most beautiful children we have ever seen, is a bouncing ball of happiness. She is secure in knowing that she has two parents who desire to have more than a love connection - we have a life connection and know that we depend on one another in deeper ways. We both love the Lord and know that He orchestrated this romance Himself. We are grateful that He did it through your site. We truly thank you for your site.

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