We share absolutely everything...

ItalianDiva & darkangel747

I just have to tell you how happy I am that I came to this site! On February 6th 2008 (yes, just 13 days ago!!) I started chatting with darkangel747. We have spent hours upon hours talking on the phone and chatting online (gotta love those web-cams). We never run out of things to talk about. We share absolutely everything and I am convinced that we are meant to be together. Today we started talking about him moving to Cleveland so that we can be together! I am so lucky to have this man as part of my life and if weren't for BlackSingles I would have never had this opportunity to meet my perfect man because he was all the way in Arkansas! We have a lot to work out before he moves here, but thank you, thank you thank you...........I will update you all as things progress- ItalianDiva

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