I have finally found the one I want to share my soul with.


When I met Chris, I really was not sure if he was the right guy for me. We spent a long time talking on the phone and finally I went to meet him. When I first met him I knew he was the right man for me,however I didn't really know how he felt about me. So I did a lot of things to test him. I tried to see just what it would take for him to give up on me. By doing this I almost lost him, that's when it dawned on me that I didn't want to lose this man because I had truly fallen in love with him and I had to convince him about how I felt about him. To cut a long story short, he gave me a second chance and I am happy that he feels the same about me. I know in my heart that this is the man I plan to spend the test of my life with. I have finally found the one I want to share my soul with. This is the beginning of a future filled with happiness and joy and I thank god for helping me find him.

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